"Every day do some writing & whenever you can keep reading"
Books: Heart & Soul
Books: The Heart & Soul of a Library

We take extreme care in selection of books for ‘PaanPoee’ libraries. This ensures that they have all desirable qualities to create in the minds of the Communities interest and generate inspiration, inform and educate.

The object is to build character, to enrich and empower lives of our readers, influence young and old. (Importantly, we check that the books are correct in spellings and grammar.)

This explains the phenomenal hold PaanPoee Libraries have on our readers.


Learning A - B - C...
We are pleasantly surprised to receive, time and again, visitors to PaanPoee centers from several private and Govt. schools, social organizations and institutions, all aroused by reports about PaanPoee Libraries. They invariably ask us for suggestions and see our lists of titles and publishers to help them start their own ‘libraries’.
The helpful attitude of our library supporting staff towards readers, flexibility in all operations, all encouraging to new readers, is noticed. Moreover our Centers have motivated many schools to change their common habit of ‘preserving’ books in ‘locked cupboards’ most of the time!

PaanPoee Libraries do not become a place for just passive reading. The helpers initiate 3 to 6 year kids in learning alphabets. These attendants –mostly teachers of baalwadis and hobby schools of Vanasthali and Social workers strive to inculcate good habits and values, create interest in reading AND learning.

Well prepared with this foundation the kids are EAGER to go and enroll in primary schools, the vital first step for their futures.

Just contrast this to witnessing the majority of fresh kids of Villages repelled by Govt. schooling, many becoming drop-outs!
Health and Hygiene

The Library helpers, in fact the ‘mentors’, interact with each kid and student, and even their elders recording individual progress. All this involvement and the ‘PaanPoee’ Reading have inspiring and profound influence in their formative years.

Hundreds of reader responses eloquently express, in their own words - some reproduced in Responses...


From the Lists of books they request us for, the titles/subjects & topics of books they request are an eye–opener, a revelation!

The city dwellers tend to underestimate the mental class, aptitudes and attitudes of many rural folks awaiting fulfillment!
Inspiring Heroes    
On Pollution, Games, Sciences...    
On Superstitions